Nov 16, 2022 | Institute of Ismaili Studies
This blog post was written by Naureen Ali, Cataloguer and Adlib System Officer at the Ismaili Special Collections Unit (The Institute of Ismaili Studies) as part of a series of posts on the theme of ‘Human Discovery: Experiencing Science’ for History Day 2022. The...
Nov 11, 2022 | Glenside Hospital Museum
This blog post is from Glenside Hospital Museum as part of a series of posts on the theme of ‘Human Discovery: Experiencing Science’ for History Day 2022. Glenside Hospital Museum, with support from the Royal Society, discovered three historic pioneers of brain...
Nov 5, 2022 | Combined Classics Library
The Institute of Classical Studies Library holds the archive of the illustrator and experimental archaeologist Peter Connolly. Connolly was known for his work on ancient weaponry and particularly for his reconstruction of the Roman saddle. A saddle needs to provide a...