History Collections
Find out more about history collections and History Day

History Collections

Find out more about history collections and History Day

The Warburg Institute


The Warburg Institute is one of the world’s leading centres for examining the interaction of ideas, images, and society. It is dedicated to the study of the survival and transmission of culture across time and space, with special emphasis on the afterlife of antiquity.  

The Warburg Library is famous for its unique cross-disciplinary classification system, and its open-access collection of over 350,000 volumes includes a large number of books unavailable elsewhere in the UK.  

It holds a collection of international importance in the humanities, with particular strengths in Medieval and Renaissance studies; the history of art and iconography; humanism and the history of the classical tradition; Arabic, Medieval and Renaissance philosophy; and the histories of religion, science and magic. 

The Institute’s collections are open free and without charge to researchers who would benefit from using them.