History Collections
Find out more about history collections and History Day

History Collections

Find out more about history collections and History Day

History Day Archive

These are links to information on previous History Days, including images, podcasts and videos. Browse the event pages to find out more.

The History of History Day

History Day Archive: This is the very first History Day in 2014.

History libraries and research open day was first held on 18 March 2014. As seen in the photograph here, the open fair and the talks were held in a single room in Senate House. The response was positive and a second day was held in a larger space in January 2015, followed by one in November of the same year. The event has since been fixed each year in November. The event name has since been shortened to History Day.

You can find details about past History Days in this archive, as well as links to posts and podcasts of training sessions. Many libraries and archives have prepared blog posts describing their collections and how they can support researchers. These posts are available on this website to help you prepare for your visit to the next History Day or to start your research project.